How I help you shift from People-Pleaser to Fierce Leader
If you have a tendency to put others before yourself while ignoring your own needs, I see you. Remember the old airplane saying, “Put Your Mask on before you put on anyone else's mask.” It might seem obvious. If you’re having trouble breathing, you can’t help anyone else. This can be applied even if you’re not on an airplane. Take 3 long, slow deep breaths right now. What do you notice in your body? Maybe some space. Maybe you feel lighter. Maybe you have more energy. Imagine feeling this way everyday.
Maybe you value family and friends. But have you dug deeper? Maybe you’re not really sure. Maybe you never really considered it. Maybe you didn’t realize this was even something to consider! To truly feel like you’re living authentically, it’s vital to understand what is most important to you. What lights you up? What moments did you feel most in alignment with yourself? It’s okay if you don’t know. We’ll find out together what this all means for you. You’ll begin to feel confident in every decision you make knowing it’s all based on an embodiment of you. I know it might sound too good to be true but I promise, it’s real.
I know it can be challenging to not only say “No” but also feel secure in your “No.” Well let’s start you ever actually say No? What are the stories that you’re telling yourself IF you say No? Does it feel wrong? Does it feel unkind or not nice? Does the idea come into to your head that “that’s just not who I am.” If so, what does that mean exactly?
What might it feel like to you if you spoke up? What might it feel like if you used your voice? What might it feel like if you spoke your truth? I know it can feel scary to consider. The thoughts stream in….What if what I say sparks controversy or WORSE causes conflict? You might be thinking…”that’s so uncomfortable and I’m not prepared to defend myself nor do I want to.” Think of a situation now where you might have ignored or avoided conflict. Maybe you felt better in the moment. When you think of that scenario now, how does it make you feel? My guess is not too great.